Dual study program at PVS RS – Field report

PVS RS has been pleased to be a dual partner of DHBW Stuttgart for many years and to be able to support young talents during their studies.
With experienced mentors and a wide range of tasks, the right area of work is found for all students and the course content is actively integrated into everyday practice.

We asked our current dual study student for her opinion in order to give potential applicants an insight into the dual study program with PVS RS as a partner company.

Marie Louisa Maier

2020-2023 | Faculty of Business: Business Administration DLM – International Services Management

In August 2020, I started at PVS RS as a call center agent in Team 4 and was thus able to gain valuable impressions before the start of my dual studies in October 2020 and had the opportunity to get to know some of the PVS RS employees and exchange ideas. This pre-start in August made it easier for me to enter working life and further increased my anticipation of the upcoming dual study program.

During the first three practical phases, I was able to support the 4 customer service teams as an agent. My area of responsibility here was to process the customer concerns that arose. Occasionally, I was also able to get to know other areas of responsibility, such as revising internal data in order to facilitate access to internal information.

I immediately noticed the informal atmosphere at PVS RS and I really like it. I was able to turn to my colleagues with any questions or concerns and I always received competent help. In a nutshell: friendly interaction, no reservations about asking questions, openness and competence are what I particularly remember from my practical phases so far.

I also received support from PVS RS when it came to further training – additional courses at the DHBW. In general, personal development is encouraged at PVS RS. Dual students are free to choose the focus of their studies. This is another plus point.

What I particularly like about the dual study model at PVS RS is that I can put what I have learned in the theoretical phase into practice. This means I can remember the information much better and get the most out of my studies. The company also gave me enough time during the practical phases to successfully complete my tasks.

My next practical phase will be in project management. I’m really looking forward to it, as I’m particularly interested in project management. I’m sure I’ll gain new and exciting insights here that will be very helpful for my upcoming theoretical phases.

info@pvs-rs.com +49 (0) 711 7252-477