Diversity and inclusion at PVS RS

We can say with full conviction that we at PVS RS have a great awareness and understanding of diversity and absolutely no room for unequal treatment between people. A company needs people of different genders, ethnicities, ages and world views in order to be able to incorporate a wide range of experiences and skills. Only with this diversity from different perspectives can innovative and creative solutions be developed.

Our aim is to set a good example and create a working atmosphere in which all employees are treated fairly and respectfully. This also includes being listened to when questions, opinions or even concerns arise. From every company’s perspective, this way of working together is advantageous, as it allows all the positive aspects of diversity to be optimally utilized.

The following aspects are already anchored in our corporate philosophy and form the basis for further development in the areas of equality, diversity and inclusion.

We value gender equality! It should be assumed that gender no longer has any influence on the filling of a position in a company these days. However, statistics show that in 2020, the proportion of women in management positions was still less than a third. We want to counteract this and show that we are about people as a whole, and that competence and social interaction are crucial. We can say of ourselves: “You don’t notice any differences between the genders.” and to top it off: “There are more women in management positions than men.”.

Everyone is welcome here, regardless of origin or age! The following employee quote sums it up: “We have a predominantly young team here, but not exclusively. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or gender. Many nationalities are also represented, as linguistic diversity is valued and encouraged.” As an international and innovative company, we are delighted that people from different backgrounds, cultures, languages and age groups form teams with strong cohesion.

“My employer accepts everyone as they are. Whether they have a disability or are simply different. Everyone is welcome.” This statement guides us on the topic of inclusion of people with disabilities. Creating an inclusive workplace means adapting it to the needs of employees. Our company headquarters in Stuttgart Degerloch is barrier-free and therefore accessible to everyone. We are also pleased that our customer service teams are actively supported by employees with disabilities.

It is about recognizing abilities, promoting talents and using them skilfully. Those who feel integrated and can be authentic develop their full potential and are more successful.

We at PVS RS benefit from our corporate philosophy. We increase our innovative strength and see the opportunity to improve our productivity, even for complex tasks. Different networks and resources bring new ideas and possibilities that open up new opportunities for everyone in the company. We feel encouraged to further expand these areas and to continuously improve.

Diversity and inclusion are a process that has become indispensable in the workplace and must be constantly developed and normalized. “You are accepted for who you are.” is our motto, which we want to pass on and live by as a guiding principle in the future.

info@pvs-rs.com +49 (0) 711 7252-477